CBD Oil & Fear of Public Speaking

Public speaking is a fear that 7% of Americans struggle with during their lives. If that number seems small to you, it’s not – 7% of the US population is roughly 27 million Americans. A great number of people list their fear of public speaking ahead of their fear of death.


When most people think of public speaking, their minds jump to presentations in high school and college. Palms sweating, nervously talking about that WWII battle, that book you had to read for English that you just couldn’t get into, or the outcome of that experiment in Chemistry. You’d try to get through it as quickly as possible while maintaining eye contact, smiling, and breathing steady. You would give your conclusion and sprint back to your desk and sink down, shoulders sagging with relief. You couldn’t wait until you finished school, because you thought “no more of this, thank goodness.” What we didn’t realize then was, in business, and life in general; public speaking is essential for you to get your point across.


It’s likely that all of us will one day have to speak in public. Whether we’re giving a formal presentation to an audience, participating in an interview, or simply asking our boss for a promotion or raise, speaking skills are crucial. There are few skills that will bring more opportunity into your life than the ability to speak well in public. That’s why it’s so important that you don’t let your anxiety hold you back.


CBD counteracts anxiety or paranoia.


CBD is a cannabis compound that provides significant benefits and is non-psychoactive, meaning it will not get you “high”. THC is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that produces those effects.


This fact, that CBD is non-psychoactive, makes it an appealing option for patients looking for relief from inflammation, pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms, and other conditions without any undesirable feelings associated with marijuana like lethargy or dysphoria.


Studying CBD and public speaking

Researchers first became interested in using CBD for anxiety when they noticed CBD was decreasing the ‘high’ brought on by THC. They thought that if CBD could kill the psychoactive effects of THC, maybe CBD could kill the anxious thoughts and increased psychoactivity of people suffering from anxiety.


In their study, those who received CBD showed a significant reduction of anxiety. Their speech performance discomforts decreased as well as their cognitive impairments. Also, there’s a significant decrease in their alerted anticipatory speech. When researchers looked at the placebo group, the results were exactly the opposite. The placebo group had higher anxiety, increased cognitive impairment, and more discomfort.  Their study confirmed that CBD can be an effective way to manage anxiety without the negative side effects.

How To Use CBD?

The most common way to consume CBD is by oil form. The most effective way to consume CBD hemp oil is by simply putting a few drops under your tongue.


Clinical herbalist and formulator, Elizabeth Moriarty has found that CBD hemp oil offers optimized delivery via mucosal membrane, i.e. oral membranes. When the CBD can be transported directly into the bloodstream, the phytonutrients are absorbed quicker without the liver taking any nutrients away.


What To Look For When Buying CBD Hemp Oil


It’s very important to be aware of how your CBD oil is made. There are a lot of companies that use fillers to cover the taste or use neurotoxic materials during the extraction process. Because CBD Hemp Oil from CBD Bio Naturals is derived from organic, non-GMO industrial hemp and contains no THC, CBD Bio Naturals products are made without any extra fillers, binders or junk and are legal in all 50 states! That’s why we call ourselves Clean By Design.


*Although we cannot make health claims regarding CBD and the FDA has not evaluated any of these claims, we must inform you that these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.







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